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Error references

Initialization error

Error Name Error Code Description
RequestFailed 1 The SDK’s initialization request failed.
ReInit 2 The SDK had already been initialized.

Load error

Error Name Description
RequestFailed There was an error when trying to retrieve the placement’s waterfall configuration.
NoFill None of the waterfall instances managed to load an ad successfully.
AlreadyUsed This ad instance has already been used.

Load errors are provided if an ad fails to load, on the onFailedToLoad callback. The recommended way to handle these errors is to dispose the failing ad instance, create a new one and call its load method.

In the case of a NoFill error, you can additionally check the list of InstanceErrors provided on the onFailedToLoad’s LoadResult parameter.

Show error

Error Name Description
NotRequested The ad can’t be shown because it was never requested.
NoLongerAvailable The underlying network’s ad has expired or is no longer available.
Loading The ad is still loading.
ShowFailed The underlying network failed to show the ad. We usually provide the error code of the network if available.
AlreadyUsed This ad instance has already been used.

Show errors can happen when trying to display an interstitial or rewarded ad.

In the case of a NoLongerAvailable, ShowFailed or AlreadyUsed error you should create a new ad instance and call its load method.

Instance error

Error Name Description
LoadFailed The load request was not successful. We usually provide the error code of the underlying adapter if available.
Timeout The adapted network took too long to load an ad, which resulted in a timeout.
InitTimeout The adapted network was unable to initialize in time.
InitializationFailed The adapted network failed to initialize correctly.
InvalidConfiguration Invalid or missing configuration parameters passed to the adapted network.
InvalidClassname No network adapter with the specified classname was found.
Unexpected Unexpected error.
UnsupportedType The adapted network does not support the specified ad type.
Skipped The instance was skipped.
ReinitializationUnsupported The adapted network received new init parameters (for example a different app key) and was unable to perform a new init.

Instance errors are provided as part of the results of the onLoaded and onFailedToLoad callbacks, and can give you insights on how your instances are performing.