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The following section describes common issues you may find when integrating the SDK. Check if any of them apply to you:

Problem #1

Xcode 15.4 compilation/linking error

Undefined symbol: __swift_FORCE_LOAD_$swift_Builtin_float
Undefined symbol: __swift_FORCE_LOAD
Undefined symbol: __swift_FORCE_LOAD
Undefined symbol: __swift_FORCE_LOAD
Undefined symbol: __swift_FORCE_LOAD
Undefined symbol: __swift_FORCE_LOAD
Undefined symbol: __swift_FORCE_LOAD
Undefined symbol: __swift_FORCE_LOAD


You are most likely using Xcode 15.4 (or an older version) to compile/link one or more SDKs that were built using Xcode 16 or newer. You should check the changelogs of the adapters to see if one of them now requires a newer Xcode version.


The most straightforward solution is to update Xcode to the minimum required version and use it to build your project.

In case you can't update Xcode right now, you could try downgrading the dependency that was built with Xcode 16 to a previous working version. If you are using our dependencies picker, by selecting the Xcode 15.4 Legacy Support checkbox, the picker will only suggest you dependency versions compatible with Xcode 15.4 or 15.3.

Problem #2

Xcode compilation error

DT_TOOLCHAIN_DIR cannot be used to evaluate LIBRARY_SEARCH_PATHS, use TOOLCHAIN_DIR instead


There is an incompatibility issue between Xcode 15 and cocoapods version 1.12 or lower.


You should update your cocoapods version to 1.13 or higher.

Problem #3

iOS Dynamic libraries not loaded

Library not loaded: @rpath/AdViewSDK.framework/AdViewSDK


Some dependency SDKs do not support having static linkage defined in the Podfile.


Go to the Podfile file and remove the :linkage => :static option.