6 - Integrate with a Consent Management Platform (CMP)
X3M provides a mechanism for automating the integration with Google's User Messaging Platform. To enable this feature, set the flag isCMPAutomationEnabled
to true
This will prompt the user for consent only when required, and continue with the SDK initialization after the signals have been collected.
Display a Privacy Settings button inside your app
To give users the option to change their consent during the session, you may want to display a button in your app's settings when a form is available. X3M's SDK provides the following methods to achieve this:
if (XMediatorAds.getCMPProvider().isPrivacyFormAvailable(context)) {
// ... display the privacy settings form button
// [...]
XMediatorAds.getCMPProvider().showPrivacyForm(activity, error -> {
if (error != null) {
Log.d("PrivacyForm", "Error: $error");
Log.d("PrivacyForm", "showPrivacyForm complete!");
return Unit.INSTANCE;
Debug your integration
When using the CMP Automation feature, you can use the following methods to debug your integration:
// Configure a Debug Geography to trigger Privacy Form display
activity = activity,
appKey = "<your-app-key>",
initSettings = InitSettings(
consentInformation = ConsentInformation(
isCMPAutomationEnabled = true,
cmpDebugSettings = CMPDebugSettings(
cmpDebugGeography = CMPDebugGeography.EEA // Available options: Disabled, EEA and NotEEA
initCallback = { result -> }
// Clear the collected consent signals from the device
// Configure a Debug Geography to trigger Privacy Form display
new InitSettings.Builder()
.setConsentInformation(new ConsentInformation(
new CMPDebugSettings(
CMPDebugGeography.EEA.INSTANCE // Available options: Disabled, EEA and NotEEA
initResult -> {
return Unit.INSTANCE;
// Clear the collected consent signals from the device