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An interstitial ad is a fullscreen format, usually skippable after the first few seconds of its display. Because of this, it's commonly used in transitions of the app or game, such as completing a level or navigating to a different screen.

To start using interstitial ads, just call load() using a valid placement id and then use one of the available present() functions when you need it to be displayed.

Start loading an ad

import XMediator

XMediatorAds.startWith(appKey: "<your-app-key>") { result in
    XMediatorAds.interstitial.load(placementId: "<placement-id>")
@import XMediatorObjC;

[X3MXMediatorAds startWithAppKey:@"<your-app-key>"
                        callback:^(NSError * _Nullable error) {
    [X3MXMediatorAds.interstitial loadWithPlacementId:@"<placement-id>"];

Showing an ad

Calling isReady() will return if there's an interstitial available to be shown, regardless of its placement id. If multiple ads with different placement ids were previously loaded, the SDK will try to show the best one available.

if XMediatorAds.interstitial.isReady() {
    XMediatorAds.interstitial.present(fromViewController: self)
if (X3MXMediatorAds.interstitial.isReady) {
    [X3MXMediatorAds.interstitial presentFromViewController:self];

Showing an ad with placementId

When the app needs to present an ad for a specific placement id, isReady(withPlacementId:) and present(withPlacementId:) can be alternatively used.

if XMediatorAds.interstitial.isReady(withPlacementId: "<placement-id>") {
    XMediatorAds.interstitial.present(withPlacementId: "<placement-id>", fromViewController: self)
if ([X3MXMediatorAds.interstitial isReadyWithPlacementId:@"<placement-id>"]) {
    [X3MXMediatorAds.interstitial presentWithPlacementId:@"<placement-id>" fromViewController:self];

Built-in features

Auto loading

Dismissed or failed to show ads will automatically trigger a new load request.

Auto retry

Failed to load ads will make a retry attempts, with an exponential backoff.

Additional settings

Register ad callbacks

Every ad callback indicates the placement id of the interstitial ad that triggered the event.

// Assign a delegate to handle the ad callbacks

// [...]

func didLoad(placementId: String, result: LoadResult) {
    print("Interstitial loaded! placementId: \(placementId)")

func didPresent(placementId: String) {
    print("Interstitial is being presented! placementId: \(placementId)")

func failedToPresent(placementId: String, error: PresentError) {
    // If you need to resume your app's flow, make sure to do it here and in the didDismiss callback
    print("Interstitial failed to present. placementId: \(placementId), Reason: \(error.localizedDescription)")

func didRecordImpression(placementId: String, data: ImpressionData) {
    print("Interstitial impression, with revenue: \(data.revenue). placementId: \(placementId)")

func willDismiss(placementId: String) {
    print("Interstitial will be dismissed! placementId: \(placementId)")

func didDismiss(placementId: String) {
    // If you need to resume your app's flow, make sure to do it here and in the failedToPresent callback
    print("Interstitial dismissed! placementId: \(placementId)")

func didClick(placementId: String) {
    print("Interstitial clicked! placementId: \(placementId)")
// Assign a delegate to handle the ad callbacks
[X3MXMediatorAds.interstitial addDelegate:self];

// [...]

- (void)didLoadWithPlacementId:(NSString * _Nonnull)placementId result:(X3MLoadResult * _Nonnull)result {
    NSLog(@"Interstitial loaded! placementId: %@", placementId);

- (void)didPresentWithPlacementId:(NSString * _Nonnull)placementId {
    NSLog(@"Interstitial is being presented! placementId: %@", placementId);

- (void)failedToPresentWithPlacementId:(NSString * _Nonnull)placementId error:(NSError * _Nonnull)error {
    // If you need to resume your app's flow, make sure to do it here and in the didDismiss callback
    NSLog(@"Interstitial failed to present. placementId: %@. Reason %@", placementId, error);

- (void)didRecordImpressionWithPlacementId:(NSString * _Nonnull)placementId data:(X3MImpressionData * _Nonnull)data {
    NSLog(@"Interstitial impression, with revenue: %f. PlacementId %@", data.revenue, placementId);

- (void)willDismissWithPlacementId:(NSString * _Nonnull)placementId {
    NSLog(@"Interstitial will be dismissed! placementId: %@", placementId);

- (void)didDismissWithPlacementId:(NSString * _Nonnull)placementId {
    // If you need to resume your app's flow, make sure to do it here and in the failedToPresent callback
    NSLog(@"Interstitial dismissed! placementId: %@", placementId);

- (void)didClickWithPlacementId:(NSString * _Nonnull)placementId {
    NSLog(@"Interstitial clicked! placementId: %@", placementId);

Code example


import UIKit
import XMediator

class InterstitialViewController: UIViewController {
    override func viewDidLoad() {

    @IBAction func startButtonTouchUpInside(_ sender: Any) {
        XMediatorAds.startWith(appKey: "<your-app-key>") { result in

            // Start loading an interstitial. Subsequent loads or retries are handled by the sdk
            XMediatorAds.interstitial.load(placementId: "<placement-id>")

    @IBAction func presentButtonTouchUpInside(_ sender: Any) {
        if XMediatorAds.interstitial.isReady() {
            XMediatorAds.interstitial.present(fromViewController: self)

extension InterstitialViewController: InterstitialAdsDelegate {
    func didLoad(placementId: String, result: LoadResult) {
        print("Interstitial loaded! placementId: \(placementId)")

    func didPresent(placementId: String) {
        print("Interstitial is being presented! placementId: \(placementId)")

    func failedToPresent(placementId: String, error: PresentError) {
        // If you need to resume your app's flow, make sure to do it here and in the didDismiss callback
        print("Interstitial failed to present. placementId: \(placementId), Reason: \(error.localizedDescription)")

    func didRecordImpression(placementId: String, data: ImpressionData) {
        print("Interstitial impression, with revenue: \(data.revenue). placementId: \(placementId)")

    func willDismiss(placementId: String) {
        print("Interstitial will be dismissed! placementId: \(placementId)")

    func didDismiss(placementId: String) {
        // If you need to resume your app's flow, make sure to do it here and in the failedToPresent callback
        print("Interstitial dismissed! placementId: \(placementId)")

    func didClick(placementId: String) {
        print("Interstitial clicked! placementId: \(placementId)")


@import UIKit;
@import XMediatorObjC;

@interface InterstitialViewController ()<X3MInterstitialAdsDelegate>

@implementation InterstitialViewController

- (void)viewDidLoad {
    [super viewDidLoad];

- (IBAction)startButtonTouchUpInside:(id)sender {
    [X3MXMediatorAds startWithAppKey:@"<your-app-key>"
                            callback:^(NSError * _Nullable error) {
        [X3MXMediatorAds.interstitial addDelegate:self];

        // Start loading an interstitial. Subsequent loads or retries are handled by the sdk
        [X3MXMediatorAds.interstitial loadWithPlacementId:@"<placement-id>"];

- (IBAction)presentButtonTouchUpInside:(id)sender {
    if (X3MXMediatorAds.interstitial.isReady) {
        [X3MXMediatorAds.interstitial presentFromViewController:self];

#pragma mark - Ads Delegate

- (void)didLoadWithPlacementId:(NSString * _Nonnull)placementId result:(X3MLoadResult * _Nonnull)result {
    NSLog(@"Interstitial loaded! placementId: %@", placementId);

- (void)didPresentWithPlacementId:(NSString * _Nonnull)placementId {
    NSLog(@"Interstitial is being presented! placementId: %@", placementId);

- (void)failedToPresentWithPlacementId:(NSString * _Nonnull)placementId error:(NSError * _Nonnull)error {
    // If you need to resume your app's flow, make sure to do it here and in the didDismiss callback
    NSLog(@"Interstitial failed to present. placementId: %@. Reason %@", placementId, error);

- (void)didRecordImpressionWithPlacementId:(NSString * _Nonnull)placementId data:(X3MImpressionData * _Nonnull)data {
    NSLog(@"Interstitial impression, with revenue: %f. PlacementId %@", data.revenue, placementId);

- (void)willDismissWithPlacementId:(NSString * _Nonnull)placementId {
    NSLog(@"Interstitial will be dismissed! placementId: %@", placementId);

- (void)didDismissWithPlacementId:(NSString * _Nonnull)placementId {
    // If you need to resume your app's flow, make sure to do it here and in the failedToPresent callback
    NSLog(@"Interstitial dismissed! placementId: %@", placementId);

- (void)didClickWithPlacementId:(NSString * _Nonnull)placementId {
    NSLog(@"Interstitial clicked! placementId: %@", placementId);
