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3 - Add X3M SDK and MetaMediation adapters to your app

Download the latest release of XMediator:


Enable Gradle Templates

For a cleaner dependency management experience, enable Gradle Templates for Android builds inside the Unity Editor if you haven't already. This will avoid bloating your Assets folder with the native libs each ad adapter requires.

To do this go to File > Build Settings... > Player Settings... > Android > Publishing Settings > Build and make sure Custom Main Gradle Template is checked.

Android Player Settings

Import the package into a project

To add XMediator to your Unity project:

  1. Make sure your project is open
  2. Double click the downloaded .unitypackage file or go to Assets > Import Package > Custom package... to import it manually

Unity Package Import

Unity will load the package and then show a confirmation dialog displaying the files to be added after the import. Click Import to finish importing the assets.

Configure settings

Use the settings window to configure your integration tokens, Google Ads AppId, and target build options. To begin, go to XMediator > Settings.

XMediator Dependency Manager

XMediator Settings

Here you can configure the following items:

  • Publisher: Required to resolve custom publisher dependencies. Set default here.
  • Android Maven Repository Token: Set turnkey-1e81749db375de151ff2b6c9e1774390 here (*)
  • Dependency Manager Token: Set 010ef81f6d8ac6f9555b79b4f40f9c9f here (*)
  • Disable GoogleAds Android AppId: Check to avoid automatically appending the GoogleAds AppId meta element to the Android manifest. Set unchecked here.
  • GoogleAds Android AppId: Set the Google Application ID obtained in the step 2.
  • GoogleAds iOS AppId: Set the Google Application ID obtained in the step 2.
  • Skip Swift Configuration: Set unchecked here.
  • Skip SkAdNetwork Ids Configuration: Set unchecked here.
  • MetaMediation: Set checked here.

    (*) Required to support other mediations

  • Enable GMA properties tag fix: See Optional: Enable GMA workaround for projects with Unity 2021 and lower

    (*) Required to access our repositories, in next release the repositories will be public.

Choose Mediators and Networks

Use the Dependencies Generator to generate compatible dependencies for the Networks and Mediation SDKs of your choice, go to XMediator > Mediators Dependency Manager

MetaMediation Manager

Dependencies Generator

Install MetaMediation adapters

To install the dependencies click on the Generate Dependencies Button and accept the warning dialog. This action will generate network dependencies with the latest compatible versions among the selected mediators.


Any other dependency previously created (e.g. using the Dependency Manager) will be deleted.


In your C# IDE, you can validate the generated MetaMediationDependencies.xml file under the path XMediatiorSettings/Editor


After generating the dependencies , go to the Unity editor and resolve dependencies for Android by clicking on:

Assets -> External Dependency Manager -> Android Resolver -> Resolve.

Optional: Enable GMA workaround for projects with Unity 2021 and lower

When integrating the Google Ads adapter in projects with Unity 2021 or lower you might get the following error on Android builds:

AAPT: error: unexpected element <property> found in <manifest><application>.

This error occurs due to a new property introduced on GMA SDK 22.5.0 that is not supported on older AGP versions. To fix this, you can enable the GMA workaround to remove the new property:

  1. Go to XMediator > Settings
  2. Mark Enable GMA properties tag fix as checked.
  3. Copy the following code snippet into mainTemplate.gradle:
    gradle.projectsEvaluated {
        apply from: 'XMediatorPlugin.androidlib/validate_dependencies.gradle'

Initialize the SDK

Before requesting any ad, make sure to call XMediatorAds.StartWith(). This method configures your Application Key, and fetches the required configuration parameters for the ad placements in your app, among other things.

Additionally, you may want to wait for the initialization callback to complete. This will ensure that your placement' requests have the necessary prebid configurations.

    appKey: "<your-app-key>",
    initSettings: new InitSettings(
        userProperties: new UserProperties(
            userId: "<your-user-id>"
    initCallback: result => 
        Debug.Log("Initialization complete! You can start loading your placements!")


To ensure the SDK is correctly configured before ad mediation begins, any method that performs an ad request will raise an exception if they are called before XMediatorAds.StartWith() is invoked.

It is mandatory to wait for the init callback to complete before making any ad request.