9 - Integration Checklist
Ensure seamless integration of your app with this comprehensive checklist:
API Usage Checks
- The app is using its correct App Key and Placement Ids for each ad format, as configured in the Admin.
- All placements for each ad format start loading as soon as the SDK Initialization completes.
Ad Formats Checks
- Only 1 instance of a Banner is created and reused during the whole session, and is never disposed of.
- The visibility of the Banner is toggled using the Show and Hide methods.
- No Banners obstruct any part of the UI the user may interact with.
- All defined opportunities to show Interstitial ads are leveraged.
- All Show attempts are preceded with an IsReady check.
- The app is able to show multiple subsequent Interstitial ads, taking advantage of the built-in Auto Load and Auto Retry features.
- All ad opportunities correctly reward the user when OnEarnedReward is called.
- All defined opportunities to show Rewarded ads are leveraged.
- All Show attempts are preceded with an IsReady check.
- The app is able to show multiple subsequent Rewarded ads, taking advantage of the built-in Auto Load and Auto Retry features.
Demand Sources Checks
- The file app-ads.txt file app-ads.txt is correctly uploaded.