//X3M XMediator Android Reference/com.etermax.xmediator.core.api.entities
Package-level declarations
Name | Summary |
CMPDebugGeography | [androidJvm] sealed class CMPDebugGeography |
CMPDebugSettings | [androidJvm] data class CMPDebugSettings(val cmpDebugGeography: CMPDebugGeography? = null) |
ConsentInformation | [androidJvm] class ConsentInformation(val hasUserConsent: Boolean? = null, val doNotSell: Boolean? = null, val isChildDirected: Boolean? = null, val isCMPAutomationEnabled: Boolean = false, val cmpDebugSettings: CMPDebugSettings? = null) Consent configuration settings object. |
CustomProperties | [androidJvm] data class CustomProperties(properties: Map<String, Any> = emptyMap()) A container class for key-value custom properties. |
HttpError | [androidJvm] sealed class HttpError This class represents an error in an HTTP connection |
ImpressionData | [androidJvm] class ImpressionData(val ecpm: Float, val revenue: Float, val mediation: String, val adNetwork: String, val networkName: String, val subNetworkName: String?, val creativeId: String?, val adSpace: String?, val placementId: String, val waterfallResult: LoadResult) Describes the impression data of an ad. |
InitResult | [androidJvm] sealed class InitResult Represents the result of the XMediator SDK core initialization. |
InitSettings | [androidJvm] class InitSettings(val userProperties: UserProperties? = null, val consentInformation: ConsentInformation? = null, val placementIds: Set<String>? = null, val clientVersion: String? = null, val test: Boolean = false, val verbose: Boolean = false) A configuration object used during SDK initialization. |
InstanceError | [androidJvm] sealed class InstanceError Describes an error related to a waterfall instance. |
InstanceInformation | [androidJvm] data class InstanceInformation(val id: String, val name: String, val mediation: String, val classname: String, val ecpm: Float) A group of properties that describes a waterfall instance. |
InstanceResult | [androidJvm] sealed class InstanceResult Class representing all possible waterfall instance results. |
LoadError | [androidJvm] sealed class LoadError Describes an error when trying to load an Ad. |
LoadResult | [androidJvm] data class LoadResult(val waterfallId: String, val instances: List<InstanceResult>, val lifecycleId: String, val extras: Map<String, Any>) Describes the result of a load call. |
MediationResult | [androidJvm] data class MediationResult(val networks: List<NetworkInitResult>) Represents the result of XMediator SDK mediation initialization. |
NetworkInitResult | [androidJvm] sealed class NetworkInitResult Class representing the result of a network initialization attempt. |
PrebiddingResults | [androidJvm] data class PrebiddingResults Container class for the results of a prebid call. |
PrebidResult | [androidJvm] sealed class PrebidResult A class representing all possible prebid results. |
ShowError | [androidJvm] sealed class ShowError Describes an error when trying to show an Ad. |
UserProperties | [androidJvm] class UserProperties(val userId: String? = null, val customProperties: CustomProperties = CustomProperties()) User properties configuration object. |
Name | Summary |
buildCustomProperties | [androidJvm] fun buildCustomProperties(block: CustomProperties.Builder.() -> Unit): CustomProperties A convenience method for creating CustomProperties. |